Molecular Imaging Society Bylaws (Revised)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Name)
The name of the society shall be the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging (KSMI).
Chapter 2 Purpose and Activities
Article 2 (Purpose)
The purpose of this society is to contribute to the advancement of science and
technology and the improvement of human health through the development of
academic research and education related to molecular imaging.
Article 3 (Activities)
To achieve its purpose, the society shall carry out the following activities:
- 1. Hosting symposiums and lectures
- 2. Organizing academic conferences and publishing related materials
- 3. Promoting research and international collaboration for the advancement of related academic fields
- 4. Other related activities
Chapter 3 Membership
Article 4 (Composition)
The society is composed of the following members:
- 1. Regular Members: Professionals or researchers with a doctoral degree or higher
who are involved in molecular imaging research.
- 2. Trainee Members: Physicians in training, general researchers, and students in
degree programs.
- 3. Honorary Members: Members over the age of 65 who have contributed to the
development of the society (subject to approval by the board of directors).
- 4. Invited Members: Members invited by the board of directors to actively promote
interdisciplinary research.
- 5. Supporting Members: Individuals or organizations that agree with the society's
purpose and support its activities.
Article 5 (Membership, Rights, Duties, and Withdrawal)
- 1. Membership: Anyone who meets the qualifications listed in Article 4 and agrees with the purpose of the society may become a member by submitting a membership application.
- 2. Rights: Regular and trainee members have the right to vote, run for office, and
participate in decision-making.
- 3. Duties: Members must abide by the society¡¯s bylaws and regulations. Regular
and trainee members are required to pay the prescribed membership fees
corresponding to their membership status.
- 4. Withdrawal: Members may withdraw from the society at their discretion.
Chapter 4 Officers
Article 6 (Officers)
To carry out the duties of the society, the following officers shall be appointed:
- 1. President: 1 person
- 2. President-elect: 1 person
- 3. Board of Directors: The board will include the following directors: General
Affairs Director, Academic Affairs Director, Planning Director, Education Director,
Financial Director, External Relations Director, Information Director, and Honorary
Directors. Each director may have a few individuals serving under them.
- 4. Auditors: 2 persons
- 5. Advisors: A few individuals.
Article 7 (Term of Office)
- 1. The terms of office for the officers are as follows:
- - The term of office for the President, Directors, and Auditors is 2 years.
- - The term of office for the President-elect is 1 year.
- - The President and President-elect may not serve consecutive terms.
- - Directors and Auditors may serve consecutive terms.
- - The term commencement date is January 1 of the year following the regular general meeting.
- 2. The term of office for any elected officer will be the same as the term of their
Article 8 (Election)
- 1. The President of the society shall automatically be succeeded by the
President-elect at the expiration of the predecessor's term.
- 2. The President and President-elect shall be nominated by the Board of Directors,
composed of officers, and approved by the general assembly.
- 3. The President-elect shall be elected one year before the expiration of the
President's term.
- 4. Each Director shall be appointed by the President.
- 5. The Auditors shall be elected at the general assembly.
- 6. The Advisors shall consist of former Presidents, with a few individuals selected.
- 7. For any elections not specified in these bylaws, the Board of Directors shall
decide the procedure.
Article 9 (Duties of Officers)
- 1. The President shall represent the society, preside over the general assembly and
board meetings, oversee the society's operations, and organize academic
- 2. The President-elect shall act as the President in the event of the President's
absence. The President-elect may concurrently serve as a Director.
- 3. The General Affairs Director shall execute the society's operations and manage
its finances.
- 4. The Academic Affairs Director shall handle all academic affairs of the society.
- 5. The Education Director shall oversee the society's educational activities.
- 6. The Planning Director shall be responsible for the society's planning tasks.
- 7. The External Relations Director shall manage external affairs, including
international cooperation, to support the society's development.
- 8. The Financial Director shall be responsible for all financial matters of the
- 9. The Information Director shall handle the society's information-related activities.
- 10. The Honorary Directors shall manage regional membership affairs and any
tasks related to the society's activities.
- 11. The Auditors shall audit the society's operations and finances and report the
results at the general assembly.
- 12. The Advisors shall provide counsel to the President, attend the general
assembly and board meetings, and offer their opinions.
Chapter 5 Meetings
Article 10 (General Assembly)
- 1. The general assembly consists of a regular general assembly and an
extraordinary general assembly. The regular general assembly shall be convened
once a year by the President, and the extraordinary general assembly shall be
convened by the President upon request by the President or a majority of regular
- 2. The general assembly shall be composed of regular members.
- 3. The general assembly shall be valid with the attendance of members, and
decisions shall be made by a majority of the attending members. In case of a tie,
the chairperson shall make the final decision.
Article 11 (Board of Directors)
- 1. The Board of Directors consists of the President, President-elect, and Directors,
and the President shall convene and preside over the board meetings. The Board
of Directors shall be valid with the attendance of a majority of the directors, and
decisions shall be made by a majority of the attending directors. In case of a tie,
the chairperson shall make the final decision.
- 2. The Board of Directors is responsible for the following tasks to ensure the
operation and development of the society:
- - Activities related to the society's purpose and business operations
- - Matters delegated by the general assembly
- - Matters related to the preparation of income and expenditure budgets and financial statements
- - Matters related to finance and accounting
- - Matters related to bylaws and regulations
- - Matters concerning the recommendation of the President-elect
- - Other matters related to work distribution and society operations
- 3. In the event of an absence from the board meeting, a director may delegate
their voting rights before the meeting, and they shall be considered present.
However, they will not have voting rights.
Chapter 6 Committees
Article 12 (Composition)
- 1. The society may establish the following committees: the Academic Committee, the Education Committee, and specialized committees for each division.
- 2. The Chairperson of each committee shall be appointed by the President, and the
composition of each committee shall be determined through consultation between
the division chairpersons and the President.
- 3. The term of office for the chairpersons and members of the committees shall
be 2 years
Chapter 7 Finance and Accounting
Article 13 (Finance)
- 1. The society's income shall be derived from membership fees, donations, and
other sources.
- 2. The society's expenditures shall be used for activities related to academic
research and education as outlined in Article 3.
- 3. The society shall not engage in profit-oriented activities.
Article 14 (Accounting)
- 1. The society¡¯s fiscal year shall align with the government¡¯s fiscal year.
- 2. The society's business plans and budget shall be prepared before the start of
each fiscal year and shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
- 3. The society's income and expenditure statements shall be audited by the
auditors after the close of each fiscal year and reported at the general assembly.
Article 15 (Membership Fees)
- 1. The membership fees shall consist of an admission fee and an annual
membership fee.
- 2. The amount and payment method for the fees shall be determined by the Board
of Directors in the internal regulations.
- 3. Membership fees already paid will not be refunded if a member withdraws or is
Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions
Article 16 (Amendment of the Bylaws)
- These bylaws may be amended or modified through a resolution at the general assembly.
Article 17 (Supplementary Rules)
- 1. Matters not specified in these bylaws shall follow general customs.
- 2. These bylaws shall come into effect immediately upon approval at the general